Aren't we so familiar with this one? Repeating it over and over again..?
Yes and that's exactly what's going to happen..Because our will comes first..and as "my" will is born out of pain, it's just being repeated..over and over again..Excluding the other 9999 (just a number) happy possibilities, that the Universe could provide you with, if you would not be so insisting on having your unresolved pain pattern repeated. And..putting each person involved in it into this attitude, till they are tired and worn of it..and leave you..only to be substituted with the next person becoming the re-an-actor of your drama/s..As we see right now in the world..we not let go of our attitudes, we rather constantly exchange the people mirroring them back to us. More convenient..?
Yes, as long as you are young and sexy..and you are a willing participant in the field of experimental and exploratory Relationships..Being hip and trendy and all over the planet and managing in keeping these nagging feelings of loneliness at bay.. with whatever escapism and legal or not so legal drugs provided.. Yes, it does work..Short time pleasures versus long term self love and self confidence.. Is this system already too far gone?? Is that what is deemed mainstream in normal society and New Age life already so much drowned in 9 -5 prefabricated lifestyles and saturated in alternative lifestyle behaviours, which is so easy to adapt to, especially as it has turned into a meeting place of easily exchangeable partnerships as nobody is expecting a lasting or long term conscious relationship there anyhow..challenges and mutual growth involved. "I was in a conscious Relationship for 8 month".. yes, go on, the next one is surely waiting for you, the next desperate soul waiting for you to provide them with the excitement of a new adventure avoiding any depths and possibility of meeting which the soul is so much longing for in order to be seen and making life a worth wile experience..
Yes, unless we do believe in reincarnation and that there are many more opportunities for self exploration and transformation to come in future life times, it often looks like this society is too much indulging in it's downward journey already..happily and ignorant..!