How do I get the deepest and most lasting benefits after a meeting with Braahman?

When you have received a session from Braahman, the healing energy ignited through that encounter will keep on working on you, until the issues mentioned are transmuted and all karma is balanced, unless you do not want this to happen and stop it willingly. By remaining in an open-minded, unknown and vulnerable space, your mind stays open and receptive for this energy flow of unconditional divine love and grace.

Here are some suggestions about how one can support and enjoy the bliss of the transformation energy installed: 

  • Remain in calmness and peace as much as possible, or find places where you can be alone and away from too many disturbances. Meditation, doing the "Heart Mudra" and silent walks in nature by yourself are very supportive and beneficial.
  • By silently repeating or singing the ancient Sanskrit mantra of "Om Namah Shivaya" (Thy, GOD's, will shall be done), you may abide in a non-conclusive mindset of surrendering in humility and gratitude to Divine Grace. This also stops ego tendencies and negative attitudes from taking over your world again too soon.

Here are some more well-practiced and successful ways of remaining in receptivity to the "Inner Voice" of Oneness and Divinity:

  • After the encounter with Braahman you already feel very much in the "Unknown". Confirm this state, by repeating several times a day: "I am in the Unknown, this state is totally new to me, I have never been here before, I wonder, who I might be tomorrow." And: "I don't know, where I am going, but I will know it, when I will be there." Alternatively practice one of the most powerful statements of the Course in Miracles: "In truth I don't know, who I am, what I am, and what is going on here", becoming aware and slowly eliminating the mind's tendency of interpreting, conceiving and tainting through the patterning of one's individual subjective mind the Gloriousness of the Here and Now.
  • Do not unconsciously speak or reveal particulars about your treatment to other people for several days after the session, as that tends to squander the energy. This also protects you from encountering adverse reaction to your healing, when you try to explain your process. Most likely one does not really understand what has happened, as true healing by nature is inexplicable, a gift from God.
  • On the physical level: please keep on drinking lots of water (2 to 3 liters a day) or other healthy liquids to let the energy flowing. If you are still prone to the very unhealthy habit of using caffeine, postpone the first cup as long as possible after the session, as like nicotine it suppresses the energy immediately. Better to eliminate the slow killer of caffeine poisoning completely. This of course applies to all energy suppressing habits of smoking, alcohol consumption and all "treats" containing mainly large amounts of refined sugars, and the consumption of acid-forming foods, which are responsible for creating the diseases in our naturally healthy bodies.

This advice has been collected from my experiences with more than 30 000 clients over the past 25 years in order for you to gain the deepest benefit from this transformational work. Do not put yourself down, or feel ashamed of yourself, if you cannot keep up with them fully. The 3 P's essential for one's spiritual path are: Purity, Patience and Perseverance. So, please give your best, don't be too hard on yourself, and if you need additional support feel free contact us.

In loving Peace and Kindness,
