Our Philosophy..

Together we walk our path by relying on the written guidance of the ancient way of the seekers of truth. Not refering to any particular organized religion but rather to their essence and how we can apply it in this time and age.

If you study the Vedas, Purana’s, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita or it's modern versions, A Course in Miracles, the Koran, the Diamond sutras or the Bible.. in their essence they ask you to release the pull of your past and it's effects on your current beliefs so you can abide in the always available presence of a peaceful "Here and Now". Serious prophets and divine Messengers have been pointing manhood to this peace and joy within and it is very simply accentuated in the "Course" with it's most important statement of: "Do you want to be happy, OR do you want to be right?" where the state of happiness refers to our current natural, innocent expression of simple "BEING"..which we recognize from childhood, where every day was filled with awe and exploration of life itself. Opposing this peacefulness is the state of being "Right", where we insist to repeat the painful agenda of the past of our ancestral knowledge logged deeply in our body’s genealogy and has being termed "the Ego" in modern psychology. Converting the past's righteousness into current happiness is called transformation and happens by being willing to investigate into one's own thoughts, words and actions. Awareness or "Mindfulness" in Buddhist terms is the tool to assists us in erasing those patterns from our mind which feel so familiar, but do cause confusion and harm to us and the people we affect in daily life. A lot of courage, intelligence, patience and the ability to accept support are preliminaries in walking this ancient path of self purification. Within our Sangha we follow the teachings of the "Course in Miracles" and apply the guidance of our individual spiritual masters. They always complement each other and strengthen our determination and dedication for transformation and self purification. We work a lot on each other using the tool of "S>A>C>R>E>D Release Work". By lovingly pointing out and releasing currently occurring patterns we mostly remain in a state of peace, harmony and equilibrium with each other and our close relationships. We clearly understand, that whatever we perceive in the outside world is a 100% a reflection and resound of our own inner world, and can only be changed by inquiring within and eventually releasing those patterns. According to our own experience applying conscious ownership of those issues, they will not affect and land on others. Instead they will call in universal assistance in order to dissolve themselves.

By offering individual "SACRED Healing Encounter", SACRED Satsangs and Retreats, we wish to extend and share this tool of "Letting Go and Let God" with you.

Thank you for giving your time, and if you feel touched and/or intrigued, please feel free to connect with us.